Commendations, Medals and Awards Awarded

The Meritorious Service Medal (One Award) is a military decoration presented to members of the United States Armed Forces who distinguished themselves by outstanding meritorious achievement or service to the United States subsequent to January 16, 1969. Effective 11 September 2001, this award also may be bestowed for meritorious achievement in a designated combat theater. Received this award for twenty years of service.

The Navy Commendation Medal (Four Awards) Authorized on January 11,
1944. Originally created as a ribbon called the Navy Commendation Ribbon, it was
the first of the commendation awards. Awarded to members of the Navy and Marine
Corps, or other members of the Armed Forces serving with these branches, who
distinguish themselves by heroism, outstanding achievement or meritorious
service. This is a personal decoration, which has often been awarded for Life
Saving, in place of the medals originally created for that

The Navy Achievement Medal (Three Awards). The Achievement Medal was first proposed as a means to recognize the contributions of officers and enlisted personnel for outstanding achievement.

The National Defense Service Medal (One Award) is a military service medal of the United States military originally commissioned by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Created in 1953, the National Defense Service Medal was intended to be a "blanket campaign medal" awarded to any member of the United States military who served honorably during a designated time period of which a "national emergency" had been declared. Received as enlisted Marine Corps serving during the Vietnam War area.

The Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (AFEM) (One Award) is a military award of the United States military, which was first created in 1961 by Executive Order of President John Kennedy. The medal is awarded for participation in "any military campaign of the United States for which no other service medal is authorized. I was authorized for operations in the Persian Gulf (Operation Earnest Will): 24 July 1987 - 1 August 1990

The Humanitarian Service Medal (One Award) is a military service medal of the United States armed forces which was created on January 19, 1977 by President Gerald Ford under Executive Order 11965. This medal is awarded to any member of the United States military (including Reserve and National Guard members) who distinguish themselves by meritorious participation in specified military acts or operations of a humanitarian nature. Receive this medal for participation in Mariel Boatlift Operations.

The Navy Expeditionary Medal (One Award) is an award of the United States Navy which was first created in August 1936 by General Orders of the Department of the Navy. The medal will be awarded to the officers and enlisted men of the Navy who shall have actually landed on foreign territory and engaged in operations against armed opposition, or operated under circumstances which, after full consideration, shall be deemed to merit special recognition and for which service no campaign medal has been awarded.

A Reserve Good Conduct Medal (One Award) refers to any one of the five military conduct awards which are issued by the United States Armed Forces to enlisted members of the Reserve and National Guard. Received as part of Marine Reserve duty

The Joint Meritorious Unit Award (One Award) (JMUA) is a military award that was established on June 4, 1981 by Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger and was implemented by Department of Defense Directive 1348.27 dated July 22, 1982. The Joint Meritorious Unit Award was made retroactive to January 23, 1979. Received for Operation Pray Mantis. See History

The Navy Unit Commendation (Three Awards) of the United States Navy is an award that was established by order of the Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal on 18 December 1944. This commendation is awarded by the Navy Secretary to any ship, aircraft, detachment, or other unit of the United States Navy or Marine Corps which has since 6 December 1941 distinguished itself in action against the enemy with outstanding heroism but not sufficient to justify award of the Presidential Unit Citation (United States)

The Battle Effectiveness Award (Three Awards) (formerly the Battle Efficiency Award, commonly known as the Battle "E"), is awarded annually to the small number of United States Navy ships, submarines, aviation, and other units that win their battle effectiveness competition.The criterion for the Battle Effectiveness Award is the overall readiness of the command to carry out its assigned wartime tasks, and is based on a year-long evaluation. The competition for the award is, and has always been, extremely keen. To win, a ship or unit must demonstrate the highest state of battle readiness

The Sea Service Deployment Ribbon (Five Awards) is granted to any member of the U.S. Navy or United States Marine Corps assigned to a deployable unit (e.g. a ship, aircraft squadron, detachment, battalion, or other unit type that operates away from its assigned homeport) and is forward-deployed for a period of either 90 consecutive days or two periods of at least 80 days each within a given 12-month period; or 12 months stationed overseas.